Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Best Part About Becoming a Mother

Hi friends!  It's hard to believe that we are three weeks (or hopefully less) away from having a baby!  Now that school is over, he is pretty much all we think about.  We are anxious and ready (as we'll ever be) for this big life change and blessing.  I have a hard time sleeping at night because I can't stop daydreaming about how everything is going to play out.  I've thought of a hundred different scenarios, even though I'm sure our birth story will be way different than what I ever picture in my mind.  As long as baby and I are safe and healthy, I'm okay with when and how he decides to come.  Anyway, I often picture the moment when he is placed on my chest just after he is born.  I've always thought that that moment will be the best moment of my entire life.  However, there is actually something I'm looking forward to even more.  The best part about becoming a mother is going to be watching Bruno become a father.

He claims he's not good with kids, especially newborns, but it is so endearing to watch him interact with babies, toddlers, older children, and even teenagers.  It's understandable that he'll feel more comfortable around his own, but he is still so good with all my younger cousins and with our friends who have kids.  I just can't wait to see the bond he'll develop with Sammy.  I know my heart will explode!  Bruno is planning on receiving (delivering) him.  He's already made our doctor very aware that he wants to be highly involved in the birthing process.  He knows what my birth priorities are and I know he'll advocate for me and make sure they are met as much as possible.  I am just incredibly grateful for a husband who is not afraid of blood and is feeling confident about this process.  He's definitely the reason I've been at ease.  I've probably bragged about him in every post and I hope it's not getting old, but I never want to take him for granted, even though he worries about and googles everything! ;)  He's already the best dad for our baby!

As far as being 37, almost 38 weeks pregnant goes, it's been interesting.  Yesterday, Bruno and I were taking a nap and I wanted to get out of bed without waking him up and it seemed like my only option was to literally roll off the bed.  I was hoping I could be discrete about it, but it ended up sounding like a loud thump and Bruno woke up in a panic.  If I'm laying down, I have a hard time getting up by myself, which isn't fun when I have to go to the bathroom 10 times a night!

I also thought that I'd get away without having swollen hands or feet, but nope.  My feet are huge!  I'm just happy that they swelling has waited until the last month of pregnancy.  I'm grateful and surprised that it was never an issue while I was in school and on my feet all day.  I"ll take it as a sign that the end is near!

I've discovered that I'm finally to the point where I just need to take it easy.  We went to a wedding reception yesterday morning, and while it was fun and I seemed fine at the time, I was completely exhausted when we got home and the whole day was shot.  Although, I did have an urge to clean later that night.  Thankfully, Bruno just goes with the flow of my mood and supports whatever I'm feeling up to, whether it's cleaning/nesting like crazy, or staying home and watching Netflix for hours.

A lot of people (strangers, friends, & family) have told me that I look miserable and ready to be done with pregnancy.  I'll admit that I probably don't look my best, but even with the exhaustion that comes with being 9 months pregnant, I wouldn't say that I'm miserable.  I'm actually still enjoying it!  I talked to a friend about this the other day and she also agreed that it's really annoying when people say, "you look miserable," or, "you look really tired!"  Usually, I don't feel that way even if I look it.  And yes, I'm ready to be done with pregnancy, but again, not because I am miserable, but because I am just so excited to meet my son!  I might have said this before, but I'm nervous about not being pregnant anymore, simply because I've loved it so much.  I'm going to miss it!  But, at the same time, I'm ready for new adventures and I know I'll be even happier to have him here. :)

It's crazy to think that my next post will probably be our birth story!  I've always been fascinated with giving birth and it makes me so excited to finally have a story of my own.  When I was probably like, nine or ten years old, I would watch "A Baby Story" on TLC all the time and lately I've been watching birthing videos on  I love teaching, but I'm wondering if I should have become a doula. :)  

Well, stay tuned!  I can't wait to see who guesses our birthing day right!        

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