Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's a BOY!

Between finding out the gender of our little one and finding out that I passed the praxis, it's been an exciting week!  The only thing that could make this week even better is if the Broncos win the super bowl tonight. haha

Everything regarding the pregnancy is going well!  I'm at a fun stage and I'm grateful that I feel well enough that I can truly call it enjoyable...for now!  I'm finally starting to feel a little movement, which has been so cool!  The baby is definitely growing and I've started gaining weight, which I'm actually excited about.  I can call my belly a baby bump now. :)  The people who know will tell me I definitely have a bump, but it's probably still at the stage where it could be questionable. haha I'm still able to sleep pretty well, especially now that Bruno got me a pregnancy pillow.  He benefits from it too because I'm not moving around as much throughout the night.  I don't have any weird cravings.  I eat a bowl of cereal almost every night after dinner, but that's always been a comfort food.  I eat ice cream on the regular as well, hence our Cold Stone post!  Again, that's a Stockham thing and I'm sure the baby is enjoying it just as much. :)

I told my class I was pregnant a little over a week before finding out the gender.  After lunch, on a Friday, I pulled up a letter that was written to them "from" Baby Flores.  I gave them all a minute to read it and then I had one of my kids read it out loud.  They were silent afterwards, so I asked if they knew what it meant.  All at once, they shouted, "You're having a baby!!!"  Once I confirmed it, they all started shouting and were so excited. are the best.  One of them said, "I knew it all along!!" I asked, "How??" Another scholar said, "Because you're getting fat!"  Most were anxious to tell everyone, so it was a good thing they were the last to know... ;)  Luckily for them, it was a short day and they were going home 15 minutes later, so they didn't have long to wait.  Anyway, it was fun.  Since then, all the pictures and drawings I get from them have been addressed to the baby, not me.  haha I had them guess what they thought I was having and I put their guesses on the board.  More of my homeroom class guessed it was a girl, but when I added my reading, math, and spelling groups, the majority voted boy.  They were right!!

When people asked what I wanted, I genuinely didn't care.  Since my first pregnancy, I've had dreams about having a girl, so I thought it would be cool to say I dreamed it, but I was just as excited about a boy, especially since that's what Bruno preferred.

February 2nd finally arrived!  I took the day off work and spent the morning cleaning and going crazy waiting for 2:30 to come. haha I'm not sure why we didn't schedule our appointment earlier, but oh well.  The ultrasound was awesome.  I can't believe the technology we have and all the things they are able to detect.  The baby was moving a lot and it was kind of hard for the tech. to get a good look at him.  She'd be looking really closely at his heart and then say, "Well, we'll have to come back to that later..."  I don't know if that's normal, but it happened a lot.  It took her about an hour to see everything she needed to see.  At one point she said it looked like he was drinking some of the amniotic fluid because his mouth was open.  He also liked to tilt his back and keep his hands by his face -- we were lucky to get a good profile picture because of that!

So, the baby was moving a lot... moving everything but his legs! haha Poor Bruno was sweating bullets and I was getting anxious as well.  It wasn't until about 50 minutes later that we discovered the baby is a boy!  I told the tech that I wanted her to take a picture and then I wanted to see if I could figure out the gender from that.  She FINALLY was able to get one and there was no question about it.  I said that it was obviously a boy and when she confirmed it, Bruno literally jumped out of his seat and shouted, "YES!!" He was ecstatic.  I was too, but I couldn't quite celebrate like he did. haha

We saw our doctor afterwards and he said everything looked perfect from the ultra sound.  Obviously, they can't detect everything, but it was nice to know that things are going well.  

Bruno wanted to talk to the receptionist about our payment plan, so I went ahead and called one of my best friends.  I was so anxious to start telling people!  The night before, another friend and I made cupcakes with blue and pink frosting in them to use to announce the gender to friends & family.  We first walked over to the hospital, where Bruno's mom works, to give her a cupcake with BLUE frosting inside!  I think she was shocked that she was actually right about the gender--she said it was a boy after looking at our first ultra sound picture at 8 weeks!  (Also, we gave everyone the cupcakes with blue frosting and we ate the pink ones ourselves. :))

While we were in her office, I was able to call my dad, who was at work.  He had guessed boy, so it was fun to tell him that he had guessed right.  It was special that we were able to tell him before the rest of my family.

We then face timed my mom and Taylor.  We just showed them the ultra sound picture revealing the gender. haha They were excited, even my sister, who was hoping for a girl.  She says that he'll be the best nephew if he likes Ninja Turtles like she does.  I called my sister Kayla and she was excited since she guessed right.  Jacob was too busy that night, so Bruno ended up telling him over the phone.  We called, texted, and visited with other friends and family.  The funniest was when we called my cousin and told her daughter, who is four, and she started crying because it was a boy.  She wanted us to have a girl in the worst way and she was genuinely upset at us about it, no much how much we tried to explain that we didn't have a choice!

School the next day was fun!  I had colored the “he” part on small Hershey’s chocolate bars and gave those to my class.  They were excited, especially since the majority had guessed right.  I also made some big ones for some of my coworkers.  My class's new thing now is that they love to hug "the baby."  They'll come up to me and say, "I want to give the baby a hug!"  They are so sweet!  I have the best job.

We did go out and buy a couple of boy shirts, so I guess our next step is figuring out what we will need!  If you're reading this and you have any advice, I strongly welcome it. :)  Also, we are still deciding on a name.  Bruno really likes Samuel and it's growing on me, so we'll probably go with that.  I need to figure out a good middle name, though!  Anyway, we are excited to start planning!!