Sunday, October 23, 2016

Four Months!

Sammy turned 4 months last Tuesday, but we’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to update!  This month has been a blast.  Here’s what Sammy’s been doing:

-Sammy weighs 17 lbs. 2 oz. and is 26 inches tall.  He had some more shots last week and he handled them like a champ.  He cried, but was fine as soon as I picked him up.  His body, thankfully, handles them well, too.  So far, he hasn’t gotten any fevers or other side effects afterwards. 
-He is in size 2 diapers and is wearing 3-6 month clothing!  
-He is still sleeping through the night!  Thankfully, we haven’t hit the dreaded four month sleep regression (yet).  He still sleeps in our room, but I’m hoping to start transitioning him to his crib soon. 
-Sammy LOVES to play with toys.  He has a play gym and a bouncy Baby Einstein thing.  He can grab and hold on to toys now too.  He has a strong grip!  Trust me, I feel it when he pulls my hair.  Haha  He still likes his swing and absolutely LOVES mobiles! 
-He discovered his toes and likes to play with them as well.
-I might have mentioned it before, but he really enjoys music.  Whether it’s from a toy, us singing to him, or the organ at church… it always gets his attention and will usually calm him down if he’s fussy.  We hope he develops some musical talents when he gets older.
-He still likes sucking on his fist.  He hasn’t started teething yet, but it could be coming soon since he has started putting everything in his mouth and is drooling a TON. 
-At his four month appointment, the doctor said he is ready to start solids!  We started rice cereal the other day.  He’s not really a fan of it yet, but we’re going to keep trying.  He would much rather nurse than deal with a spoon.  But, we plan on introducing some veggies this week, so we’ll see how that goes! 
-He hates having a dirty diaper.  It’s usually the first thing we check when he gets fussy because he gets extremely grumpy when he’s dirty – I don’t blame him!  He’ll calm down as soon as we lay him on the changing table.
-He loves to laugh and smile!  All you have to do is look at him and talk to him and he’ll usually get the biggest grin.  We can get lots of good laughs out of him too, especially when we tickle him!  It’s the cutest.
-He went to his first movie this month – Storks.  It’s adorable!  He did really well the whole time!  
-We went to a pumpkin patch last week and he seemed to enjoy it.  We played with him in the corn pit and he seemed content there.  I can’t wait to dress him up and do tons of fun Halloween activities this week! 

-He’s not sitting up on his own yet or rolling a ton, but that’s okay.  He’s growing up way too fast as it is!  We are excited about all the upcoming holidays.  This time of year is so much more fun with a baby and we couldn’t be happier.