Thursday, May 18, 2017

11 Months!!

This bugger never sits still for pictures anymore, so we didn't get as many as we normally do. And trying to get a picture with the monthly sticker is a joke!  He’s such a monkey, so this one was perfect. ;)

In one month I’m going to have a ONE year old! What?!?!  This year has been one exciting adventure and I can’t wait to see what summer has in store for us.  I’m definitely looking forward to being a stay at home mom for two months!  We’ve enjoyed every stage, but it seems like Sammy just gets more and more fun.  He is discovering new tricks all the time and he’s constantly doing something to make us laugh.  He also makes us extremely proud because he’s so stinking smart!   

Some stats – I’m not sure what he weighs, but I’m sure it’s more than 24lbs.  He’s still in size four diapers and still has eight teeth.  We think he’s getting some molars, but who knows when they’ll actually break through.  He is currently fighting a cold and an ear infection, but otherwise he’s doing great!  He’s mostly in 12-18 month clothing now.  I just pulled out new clothes and I didn’t feel an ounce of sadness while putting away his winter stuff!  Hello summer!!

Sammy is officially walking!  I noticed a couple of weeks ago that Bruno and I kind of stopped hovering over him when he decides to take off.  He’s starting to roam a little more freely now and we aren’t as panicked about it.  He’s good at catching himself if he falls and he knows how to get back up after he finds a couch or something to grab onto.  Even though we have to keep an even closer eye on him, I’m so proud!  It’s crazy to think that he took his first steps at 9 months old!  Way, way younger than I anticipated.

Speaking of walking, he’s starting to get comfortable at church.  Bruno and I always joke that he’s going to run to the stand one of these days when we aren’t looking.  Anyway, last Sunday, he decided he didn’t want to sit with us anymore, so we let him walk off just to see where he’d go.  He didn’t even go very far – just to the pew behind us.  He sat with Grandma Sission (the grandma of our twin friends – Jacen & Owen).  I was shocked that he sat on her lap almost the whole time!  Why can’t he sit with us?? I guess we aren’t cool enough anymore…

His all time favorite thing to do is climb the stairs.  We are lucky we have a door to get to them otherwise he’d be on them ALL the time!  When he wants to go upstairs, he’ll walk to the door and start pounding on it.  He gets so excited and will start laughing hysterically when we open it for him.

His second most favorite thing to do is open the kitchen and/or bathroom cabinets.  The only things he pulls out are the kitchen towels, so that’s good!  He mostly just loves listening to himself open and close the doors.

He still loves bath time and recently discovered how to stand up in the tub.  He thinks he’s big enough to help himself out when he’s done.

He gives high fives, but still doesn’t wave yet.  Sign language is a work in progress.  He just looks at me weird when I try. 

His favorite food continues to be pasta, but he also likes dirt and grass. Yikes!

I finally put away his swing and jumper.  He seriously used his swing until he decided to try crawling out of it, which was only a couple of weeks ago.  It was the best thing we (Grandma Stockham) got him!  It’s been well used over the last ten months.  He hated his jumper once he learned how to walk, so that didn’t last quite as long, but was still nice to have! 

Overall, Sammy is a feisty, determined little guy.  Nothing will get in his way of what he wants.  He laughs when we tell him no.  He is very vocal and will make sure you know how he’ll feeling.  I love that he’s so chatty and wants to be involved.  I've mentioned before that he likes to be home, but he’s finally warming up to other places and people.  I’m going to soak up and cherish every moment I have before my baby is a whole year old!

Since this is a family blog, I have to talk about Bruno for a second!  He finished his last official semester before student teaching!  He student teaches in the fall and then he’ll have his degree and he’ll be able to walk next spring!  He’s taking some summer classes so that he can get something called a Social Studies Composite.  He doesn’t have to have it, but it will make him more marketable because he’ll be able to teach more subjects.  I am so proud of him.  He is the best student, father, and husband!  I enjoy our lives now, but it’ll be exciting to see where life takes us in the next year or so. 

And as for me, I have more half days of school than full days. I’m excited for our summer plans, especially Sammy’s birthday and spending time in PA.  I’m just excited to be able to do a lot more this year since I won’t be 8+ months pregnant or in recovery. ;)