Sunday, September 18, 2016

Three Months!

What a month!  We are starting to hit some sweet milestones and it’s been a blast watching Sammy become more interactive with us and others.  It can take him a while to warm up, but when he starts chatting, he doesn’t stop!  He’s smiling and giggling a lot now, even in his sleep, which is hilarious.  He also has some strong lungs.  When he’s mad, he makes sure that everyone knows it.  The saddest thing is when he curls his lower lip.  It gets us every time.  Bruno, especially, can’t handle it and will pick him up as soon as he starts it.  Pretty soon, Sammy will discover that he can get anything he wants with that lower lip.  We’re going to be in big trouble.  How will we ever say no to him?? Haha

This month has also been nice because I feel like we’ve finally gotten into a routine and have been able to adjust with our busy schedules.  When I come home from school, Bruno will often volunteer to make dinner so that I can spend as much quality time with Sammy as I can in the evenings.  We love to read books, sing songs, play with toys, chat, and make silly sounds.  I read a quote recently that was something like, “I’m stuck between wanting you to stay a baby and wanting you to grow and discover new things.”  This is where we’re at.  I’m sure every parent feels that way, though.

Samuel Rey at 3 months:
-When we weighed him this morning, he was about 15 pounds.  We had to move his car seat strap up a notch, which has made it more tolerable for him, thank goodness. 
-He’s officially in size 2 diapers and we are ready to pack up the newborn clothes.  He hasn’t been able to wear them for a while, but it’s been hard for me to admit that he’s not a newborn anymore and that it’s time to move on.  However, he still fits in most of his 0-3 month clothing.   
-He rolled from stomach to back last week!  If you watched the video Bruno posted, you saw how excited we were.  When I show it to people they say, “I don’t know who was cuter, Sammy or Bruno.”  Bruno loves watching his son grow up while I just sit back and cry. Haha
-He said “mama!”  I know it wasn’t intentional, but still.  He said it and Bruno witnessed it.  It was a sweet moment.  
-He’s starting to grab things – toys, my shirt, my hair!  He’s even trying to hold his bottle!
-He loves watching TV. Yikes.  We’ve already had to put a limit on how much we watch while Sammy’s awake.  And I’m already cautioning Bruno about what he says and how he reacts over football.  He doesn’t swear or say things that are that bad, but I don’t want Sammy getting any ideas.  I know he’s only 3 months, but I feel like he’ll be watching and imitating us soon enough because he’s growing and learning so fast!
-He’s still sleeping pretty well through the night.  At least, I’ve been sleeping great! ;) Bruno still gets up with him if he wakes up at all.  He usually sleeps in our room, but he has slept through the night in his crib, so maybe we’ll start to transition soon.  I’ve heard there’s a four month regression and I’m not looking forward to that!
-He’s also wearing regular PJs to bed now.  He doesn’t like to be swaddled or cuddled as much. Makes me so sad!  
-He likes listening to music and is especially entertained when Grandpa Clarke plays his harmonica.
-Right now, he seems to love his Sit Me Up chair and his new mobile.  He still likes his swing and likes lying on his changing pad.  We also got out a play gym that was given to us, but he’s currently not too fond of it.  I didn’t realize how much stuff you accumulate when you have a baby!  It’s all getting well used, but holy cow.  We are running out of space already. 
-We found a pacifier that he likes more than the ones we’ve been using.  It’s been a little more helpful, but he’d still rather use his whole fist.  He’s starting to drool like crazy!    
-He definitely likes the dark and he instantly becomes calmer when we turn off the lights.
-I got pretty sick after the first week of school.  I was afraid Sammy would catch what I had, but thankfully he stayed healthy and strong!  I am so, so grateful for his good health and pray that he remains strong throughout the winter. 
-I found a place that sells little flags of all 50 states. I thought it would be fun to buy a flag every time Sammy goes to a new state.  He’s got two so far… only 48 more to go. ;)  We will be going home (to PA) for Christmas, so that’ll be an interesting adventure.
-Nursing is still going strong! I know it’s only been three months, but considering I use the majority of my prep time at work to pump, I’m pretty excited and surprised that my supply seems to be keeping up and that I’m still motivated to keep at it.  It’s such a blessing. 
-I think we know what we’re going to do for Halloween and I’m getting so excited!  I’m not the biggest fan of fall, but having a baby during the holidays will bring a whole new level of excitement. We are already thinking about what to get him for Christmas. :P

I always talk about having another baby soon because Sammy has been so good.  Some days are challenging, but overall, he’s really easy going.  My biggest fear is that Sammy is spoiling us and that our future children won’t be as calm.  I’m enjoying every single moment with my family of 3, but I look forward to expanding.  Nothing brings me more happiness than being with my family and I am incredibly grateful that we will be together forever. 

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